Thursday, April 2, 2015

How to Exercise with Breast Pain

Breast pain is a common problem for us during PMS in our younger years, and menopause doesn't necessarily mean it will be going away. Changes in estrogen and progesterone are the main cause both then and now. These fluctuations are what make breast pain come and go.
Unfortunately, breast pain can make exercising a real drag. In fact, exercise can cause breast pain or simply make it worse. This is partly because of how much the breasts move around during certain types of exercise, like running. It's good to do exercises that don't worsen breast pain until the pain subsides.

First step: a fitted bra

The first exercise you need to do is getting to the department store! Many women (me included!) experience breast pain that's worse than it has to be because of bras that don't fit right. I've lost some weight since I first started menopause, so when I went to the store to get fitted, I found out the bra I was using was a size too big – which isn't very supportive! It's important to have a well-fitting bra for daily life as well as a supportive sports bra for exercise.

Cardiovascular: stationary bike

The stationary bike is great because it means your boobs won't move around a lot, but it can still get your heart pumping. Start out with normal pedaling and then crank up the tension if the workout feels too easy.

Balance and relaxation: leg yoga

As you know, yoga is ideal for relaxation. If you're in the midst of breast pain, focus on poses that work the lower body instead of the upper body. Legs-up-the-wall, staff pose, and easy pose are great places to start. Stress can also contribute to breast pain, but a yoga session is a great stress-buster.

Breast pain comes and goes, but we have to keep exercising. Find yourself the perfect bra and get out there!

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