Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Stretches to Build Muscle Strength

I've been starting to get bored of my strength-training routine, and plus, it's more beneficial to your bones and muscles to do different types of weight-bearing exercises to prevent osteoporosis. A lot of things we do on a daily basis are weight-bearing and we might not even realize it, like going up the stairs. I also like to do specific stretch-like exercises to work the different muscle groups.

Here are some of the new moves I've been trying out:

Wall Arch

Start this stretch by facing a wall about half a foot away and your feet half a foot apart. Reach up and touch the wall with both hands, and take a deep breath in. You can also do repetitions where you reach up each arm separately.

Leg Lifts

This is a great stretch for the lower back. Lie on your stomach with your hands at your sides, and then bend your leg a little and lift your thigh off the ground. Hold it in the air for ten seconds before lowering it and then switching legs.

Wall Slide

Stand a couple inches away from a wall with your back to it. Then press your shoulders and behind against the wall. Tuck your chin down and keep the back of your head against the wall. Bend your knees, slide down the wall, and slide back up again.

Preventing osteoporosis isn't just one stretch and you're done. If only it were so easy! It's a never-ending process that's 100% necessary for our health. Don't get discouraged – if your weight bearing exercises get to be too hard or boring, mix it up a little bit, and you'll be back on track in no time!

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